99 Love Quotes for Him That Will Touch Your Heart

Love Quotes About Him | Love Quotes in English | Love Quotes in English Short | Short Love Quotes for Him From the Heart | Very Short Love Quotes for Him | Love Quotes About him From the Heart.

Love Quotes About Him

Never Love Someone At The Cost Of
Your Dignity And Self Respect..


A promise means everything But once it is broken,
sorry means Nothing.


Smile and the world smiles with you.


Everywhere I look I am reminded of your love.
You are my world.


God is keeping me alive but you are
keeping me in love.


You are my paradise and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.


Thank you for always being my rainbow
after the storm.


I can’t stop thinking about you,
today… tomorrow… always.


True Loves Never Dies.
Its Only Get Stronger With Time.


I will wait for you because honestly i don’t want anyone else.


Love Quotes in English

My life did not begin with you..,
But i wish my life should end with you..,


Love + Trust + Honesty = Long Lasting Relationship.


I shall continue to do what I think is right
whether anybody likes it or not…


A single text from u can change
my mood at any time.. 🙂


I don’t need paradise because I found you.
I don’t need dreams because I already have you.


Love is sweet when its new,
but sweeter when its true.


Be with someone who is proud to have you..


Just try to keep that person happy always,
whom you see in the Mirror.


Any guy can love a thousand girls…
but only a rare guy can love one girl in a
thousand ways.


I promise you to live in ur heart and
always call it home…


Love Quotes in English

The best feeling is when you look at her and she is already staring.


I like when you smile but I love when I m the reason.


Its sweet to be in someone’s thoughts but its safe to in someone’s heart..


I love the way u make me smile ☺
even when nothing is funny ❤


Don’t fall in love, rise in love everyday.


Love is a language spoken by everyone but understoond only by heart..


Love is the perfect feeling that makes two imperfect people perfect for each other..


I have decided to stick with love because
hate is too great a burden to bear.


Love her like you’re the worst.
Make love to her like you’re the best.


All love stories are beautiful but ours
is my favourite


Love Quotes in English Short

You are so lucky if you are sad and someone is
making an effort to make you smile.. 🙂


99% of the time,we forgive people because we still want them in our lives.


Love is like a rubber band held at both
ends by two people, when one leaves it,
other gets hurt.


When a couple is arguing over who loves who more,
the one that gives up is the real winner.


Life can give us lot of beautiful persons,
But only one person is enough for a beautiful life…♥


I’m scared to look at u.. B’coz the more I do.. The more I fall in love with u…!!!


We fight like a married couple,
talk like best friends, and flirt like first lovers..


Love is the only game never postponed due to darkness.


If your heart was a prison,
I would like to be sentenced for life.


Love Quotes in English 2 Line

Let love be your motivation –
the driving force behind everything.


There may be a million things to smile about,
but you are definitely my favorite one…..!!


My favourite place in this world is, “Next to You”


The person who loves you truly is the most precious thing in your life..


We fall in love by chance but we stay in love by choice.


When someone else happiness is your happiness, it’s called true love.


When you are in love,you can’t fall asleep b’coz
the reality is far better than your dreams.


Bees love honey…people love money…


Love does not consists of gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction.


Everyone thinks that love hurts.. But love never hurts..
Rejection hurts.. Loneliness hurts.


Love Quotes in English

You may be someone to the world but you are the world for someone.


I dønt hate peøple, I just løve peøple whø løve me


If you expect something in return,
It’s called business, not love.


True love is when she talks non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.


Every friendship dosen’t change into love but
every love begins with friendship.


You are one of those beautiful things that happened
to my life and made my life worthwhile


Thank you for coming into my life.
For letting me feel this love that I have for you.


Place your time and energy on someone who will
add sunshine to your life.


I will love you forever until the end of time!
No matter what you do! Cause you are my forever!


When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!! ❤ ❤


Two Line Love Quotes in English

I’d Rather Be Hated For Who I Am,
Than Loved For Who I Am Not.


Love starts with a smile🙂, grows with a kiss💋, and ends with a tear😢.


You Are The Guy All My Love Quotes Are About.


I Don’t Expect The Best Of Everything,
I Expect What I Deserve.


Be safe of hard words. Once you said it,
it’s not yours anymore.


Fall in love with me and together we will
travel around the world 🌏


Loving you is like having a beautiful wound.


There are a lot of languages but a smile
is international 😉😃


Sometimes, I just hope that you
can say. “No, dont go. I still need you.


To love is nothing. To be loved is something.
But to love and be loved, that’s everything.


I know that I loved you before
but can I still love now????


Your smile is the reason why I have a twinkle
in my eye and love in my heart..


Love Quotes About Him

Look at the brightly burning sun and
you will know the extent to which my
feelings burn for you.


I will always protect you and take care of you. I will shelter you and be by your side always.


I swear I couldn’t love you more than
I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.


In order to be happy oneself it is necessary
to make at least one other person happy.


I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you.
Then I saw that you were not perfect and
I loved you even more.


Forever is a long time,
but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.

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